2025 Federation Dahlia of the Year
6006 Skipley TNT Ball
Manito Park Meeting Room and Trial Garden.
Spokane Veterans Medical Center Dahlia Garden
In the year 2000, two of our members, Dennis and Claudia Biggs, with the help of the Inland Empire Dahlia Society, founded the Spokane Veterans Medical Center Dahlia Garden. It is located at 4815 N. Assembly, Spokane, WA - 99205. This garden honors all Veterans.
Dennis is no longer with us, except our fond memories of him and in our hearts. Claudia continues to be the director of the Veterans Medical Center Dahlia Garden. It is spectacular.
Many of our active society members help care for this garden, also. This is where we get most of our tubers, for our tuber sales.
The veterans, their families, friends, doctors, nurses, all staff and visitors at the VA Medical Center love this garden. They too get to enjoy cutting the flowers to take with them in the fall
before we dig them up. It is quite a joy for them and for us that witness it.
Please contact us by filling out the form
below. We look forward to hearing from you.
Officers & Trustees
Dan Eagle, President
Susan Stephens, Vice President
Patrick O'Kelley, Treasurer
Amanda Fox, Secretary
Brenda Warner, 1 Year
Darcy Bentley, 2 Year
Don Howel, 3 Year
IEDS Meeting,Trial Garden Information & Spokane Veterans Medical Center & IEDS Dahlia Garden Information
The Inland Empire Dahlia Society (IEDS) meets the second Thursday of the month. We have 7 general meetings per year. We don't have meetings in July, August, September, December, and January. The location of our meetings is at Manito Park Garden meeting room, at 6:30 p.m. The Address is 1702 Grand Blvd, Spokane, WA-99203. East of the Duncan Gardens Conservatory, through the rock wall gate.
When preparing for our shows, there is one class that we vote on, for the Dahlia of the year. You will see a picture of it at the top of each web site page. Bloomquist Jean - B size (6-8 inches) - ID (Informal Decorative form) - O (Orange).
A monthly newsletter, called the Dahlia Fax, is mailed via email or the postal service if members do not have email.
In April, we have our, members only, Tuber Auction. All tubers are donated, as are the ones for the tuber sales. This is also one of our club fundraisers, and is lots of fun and a great way to get sought after tubers.
Our society is honored to sponsor one of the National Trial Gardens in the United States. This is located at Manito Park, in the Rose Garden. When visitors view our garden each fall, they are in awe, with the beauty and size of the dahlias.
It's, unfortunate, that the growing season is so short lived in our area of the country, Eastern Washington state. With frost, the season ends too soon.
We sometimes have to cut the plants before the frost. It is heart wrenching to cut them down when they are still in bloom. It is, however, fun to see all of the people that come to watch and get gifted with some free dahlias. We take bottles of water and clippers and let them cut what they want. They are so happy, elated, speechless, and some do say, "I feel like I've won the Lottery". That makes it all worth while.